2025-01-26 18:40

肺炎疫情防控指挥部关于荔湾区芳村片区调整分级分类防控措施的通告(第21号)》要求,结合当前我区疫情防控工作形势,现定于6月23日对荔湾区南片区域的石围塘街、花地街、茶滘街、冲口街、白鹤洞街、东漖街、东沙街、中南街、海龙街等9条街道辖区内全体居民进行新一轮全员核酸检测。现就有关安排及注意事项通告如下: 一、请广大居民朋友按照所在街社区居委(经济联社)工作人员的通知指引,分时段有序到达指定地点开展核酸检测,做到“应检尽检”,确保不落一户、不漏一人。
Notification on Conducting PCR Testing for Everyone in Southern Parts of of Liwan District
Liwan COVID-19 Prevention and Control(2021)NO. 19
Dear friends,
As we follow the requirements issued in Document No. 21 and given the current COVID-19 response progress in Liwan District, it has been decided that a universal PCR testing will be conducted for all residents living in the nine streets(Shiweitang Street, Huadi Street, Chajiao Street, Chongkou Street, Baihedong Street, Dongjiao Street, Dongsha Street, Zhongnan Street, Hailong Street)on June 23. We hereby notify relevant arrangements and precautions as follows:
1.All residents should follow the notification and instructions of the staff of your local Street/Neighborhood Committee(Economic Association)and arrive at the designated testing station to receive PCR tests according to the set schedule in an orderly manner. Follow the principle of “testing everyone who should be tested”, make sure that every household and everyone is tested.
2.Please bring your ID when going to the testing station and voluntarily present your “Yuekang Code” and “sample collection QR code” to facilitate speedy, efficient inspection and testing. Please wear a mask at all times and keep a distance of at least 1 meter away from others. Please refrain from talking or gathering and follow the instructions of the staff on site.
3.After your sample has been collected for PCR testing, please leave the testing station as soon as possible.
All residents should strictly follow relevant stipulations in Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases and Opinions on Punishing Criminal and Illegal Activities that Hinder the Prevention and Control of COVID-19. actively collaborate with staff in information registration and sample collection. Those who disrupt or hinder sample collection will be held legally responsible by the public security departments.
Let’s work in solidarity with commitment and determination. Together we will win this fight!
Guangzhou Liwan District COVID-19 Prevention and Control Command Center
June 22. 2021
Notification on Conducting PCR Testing for Everyone in Southern Parts of of Liwan District
Liwan COVID-19 Prevention and Control(2021)NO. 19
Dear friends,
As we follow the requirements issued in Document No. 21 and given the current COVID-19 response progress in Liwan District, it has been decided that a universal PCR testing will be conducted for all residents living in the nine streets(Shiweitang Street, Huadi Street, Chajiao Street, Chongkou Street, Baihedong Street, Dongjiao Street, Dongsha Street, Zhongnan Street, Hailong Street)on June 23. We hereby notify relevant arrangements and precautions as follows:
1.All residents should follow the notification and instructions of the staff of your local Street/Neighborhood Committee(Economic Association)and arrive at the designated testing station to receive PCR tests according to the set schedule in an orderly manner. Follow the principle of “testing everyone who should be tested”, make sure that every household and everyone is tested.
2.Please bring your ID when going to the testing station and voluntarily present your “Yuekang Code” and “sample collection QR code” to facilitate speedy, efficient inspection and testing. Please wear a mask at all times and keep a distance of at least 1 meter away from others. Please refrain from talking or gathering and follow the instructions of the staff on site.
3.After your sample has been collected for PCR testing, please leave the testing station as soon as possible.
All residents should strictly follow relevant stipulations in Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases and Opinions on Punishing Criminal and Illegal Activities that Hinder the Prevention and Control of COVID-19. actively collaborate with staff in information registration and sample collection. Those who disrupt or hinder sample collection will be held legally responsible by the public security departments.
Let’s work in solidarity with commitment and determination. Together we will win this fight!
Guangzhou Liwan District COVID-19 Prevention and Control Command Center
June 22. 2021