2025-02-24 11:00

炎疫情防控指挥部第21号通告“以上管理措施执行7日后,经评估再适时调整”的要求,现定于7月6日对鹤园小区全体居民进行一次核酸检测,为芳村片区符合常态化疫情防控条件、执行广州市新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控指挥部第23号通告做好准备。现就本次核酸检测工作安排及注意事项通告如下: 一、请各位居民朋友按照社区居委工作人员的通知指引,分时段有序到达指定地点开展核酸检测,做到“应检尽检”,确保不落一户、不漏一人。属于上门采样范围的居民请耐心等待工作人员上门检测。
Notification on Conducting PCR Testing for Everyone in Heyuan Community ofBaihedong Street of Liwan District
Liwan COVID-19 Prevention and Control(2021)NO. 33
With the active cooperation and concerted efforts of all residents, HeyuanCommunity lifted all travel restrictions and started to implement the COVID-19measures compatible with other parts of Fangcun on June 30. In accordance withthe requirement of “making appropriate adjustments upon evaluation afterimplementing the measures for 7 days” by Notice No.21 of Guangzhou MunicipalCOVID-19 Control and Prevention Command Center, we have decided that a universalPCR testing will be conducted for all residents in Heyuan Community, so as toprepare Fangcun for meeting the conditions of regular epidemic control measuresand implement Notice No.23. We hereby notify relevant arrangements andprecautions as follows:
1. All residents should follow the notification and instructions of thestaff of your Neighborhood Committee and arrive at the designated testingstation to receive PCR tests according to the set schedule in an orderly manner.Make sure that every household and everyone is tested. Residents who need tohave their samples collected at home should wait for the arrival of staff.
2. Please bring your ID when going to the testing site and voluntarilypresent your “Yuekang Code” and “sample collection QR code” to facilitatespeedy, efficient inspection and testing. Please wear a mask at all times andkeep a distance of at least 1 meter away from others. Please refrain fromtalking or gathering and follow the instructions of the staff on site.
3. After your sample has been collected for PCR testing, please leave thetesting site as soon as possible.
All residents should strictly follow stipulations in Law of the People'sRepublic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases andOpinions on Punishing Criminal and Illegal Activities that Hinder the Preventionand Control of COVID-19, collaborate with staff in information registration andsample collection. Those who disrupt or hinder sample collection will be heldlegally responsible by the public security departments.
Let’s work in solidarity to fight against COVID-19.
Guangzhou Liwan District COVID-19 Prevention and Control Command Center
July 5, 2021
Notification on Conducting PCR Testing for Everyone in Heyuan Community ofBaihedong Street of Liwan District
Liwan COVID-19 Prevention and Control(2021)NO. 33
With the active cooperation and concerted efforts of all residents, HeyuanCommunity lifted all travel restrictions and started to implement the COVID-19measures compatible with other parts of Fangcun on June 30. In accordance withthe requirement of “making appropriate adjustments upon evaluation afterimplementing the measures for 7 days” by Notice No.21 of Guangzhou MunicipalCOVID-19 Control and Prevention Command Center, we have decided that a universalPCR testing will be conducted for all residents in Heyuan Community, so as toprepare Fangcun for meeting the conditions of regular epidemic control measuresand implement Notice No.23. We hereby notify relevant arrangements andprecautions as follows:
1. All residents should follow the notification and instructions of thestaff of your Neighborhood Committee and arrive at the designated testingstation to receive PCR tests according to the set schedule in an orderly manner.Make sure that every household and everyone is tested. Residents who need tohave their samples collected at home should wait for the arrival of staff.
2. Please bring your ID when going to the testing site and voluntarilypresent your “Yuekang Code” and “sample collection QR code” to facilitatespeedy, efficient inspection and testing. Please wear a mask at all times andkeep a distance of at least 1 meter away from others. Please refrain fromtalking or gathering and follow the instructions of the staff on site.
3. After your sample has been collected for PCR testing, please leave thetesting site as soon as possible.
All residents should strictly follow stipulations in Law of the People'sRepublic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases andOpinions on Punishing Criminal and Illegal Activities that Hinder the Preventionand Control of COVID-19, collaborate with staff in information registration andsample collection. Those who disrupt or hinder sample collection will be heldlegally responsible by the public security departments.
Let’s work in solidarity to fight against COVID-19.
Guangzhou Liwan District COVID-19 Prevention and Control Command Center
July 5, 2021